I made it back from the sketchy place in Houston last weekend--hooray! I set a personal driving record for myself: almost 700 miles in one day. I just really wanted to get back!
I had to hit the ground running when I got back, with a million meetings and write-ups and scholarship apps and visiting students. On Wednesday evening, after I had gone for wine and cheese with a prospective, I started feeling kind of sick to my stomach. And then really sick to my stomach. I spent the whole night lying on my freezing bathroom floor puking into the toilet. Blech. And it didn't go away after that. Oh no, then it started coming out the other end. On Saturday, I was again chained to the toilet. My GI track is STILL not working properly today, five days later. I'm considering going to the doctor, but I suspect I'll need to be sick for longer before they tell me anything useful. In the meantime, I've done some fun research into all the different kinds of beasties that can wreak havoc on your intestines. It turns out that some can last for 10 days--fun!
Of course, during this weekend of hell, a friend came to visit from the east coast. I tried to be fun, but I'm pretty sure I failed entirely :( She was really nice about it though. We did manage to go to Santa Fe for a bit, as well as a baseball game in Albuquerque. I got a nice sunburn despite the SPF 45 I put on, probably because I haven't seen the sun in ~6 months. So even though I still feel like crap today, I "look healthy" according to a friend who brought me a bagel this morning. At least I still have my looks...
Since I've been doing a lot of sitting around in bed, I've started watching a show I've always been interested in: The Tudors. I just love that period in English history so much! I'm only on season 1, but thus far the history has been pretty good (with some notable exceptions--Princess Margaret marries the King of Portugal?? Don't think so!). Also, there are some issues with appropriate music. In the episode I watched last night (maybe 6?), Catherine of Aragon is in a church, and the choir is singing the very end of O Nata Lux by Thomas Tallis. While Tallis is, hilariously enough, a character in the series, he hadn't written that piece until Elizabeth I was already queen, which is many, many years after the scene with Catherine took place. I know, I know, I am a huge dork and no one else will notice. But there is SO MUCH music to choose from that was written at the right time--why choose an anachronistic one? I guess it's a pretty sweet song, so maybe I can forgive the show. Maybe.
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