So much has happened since I last posted--I don't know where to begin! Making it a bit more difficult is the fact that I'm feeling exceptionally lazy right now and don't feel like explaining anything well right now. So, some bulleted highlights:
--I worked like mad to meet lots of deadlines in early December.
--I went to San Francisco for AGU and had a (mostly) fabulous time. I saw lots of old friends, discussed some new potential collaborations, got some good ideas about one of my research projects, and managed not to get sick at all. The most memorable part of the whole meeting, however, was the part when my former advisor went absolutely berserk and screamed at me at a poster session in front of my colleagues. It will take a whole LJ entry to explain that one!
--I went to the east coast for Christmas, New Years, and a bunch more. So much more, in fact, that I'm still here! I really wanted a real break, and I'm definitely getting one. I've been sleeping obscenely late and eating lots of cookies and just generally lazing about.
--Christmas was kind of dramatic. As in going-to-the-ER kind of dramatic. No worries, everyone managed to live/not kill each other, and there aren't any permanent injuries. That's going to have to be another entry right there.
mouser_nerdboy is the BEST! Not only did he keep the Christmas drama levels down, he was also extremely kind and patient the whole time he was in Boston despite the insanity. Gold star!
--I got a Droid! Yay! And a pretty pink case to go with it.
--Tonight I have icky cramps. Boo.
That's about all I can think of. Now I need to find something to distract me from Aunt Flow.