Facing Your Fears

Aug 29, 2010 03:22

When your face your fears, you grow to ignore them and the fear no longer controls you.

What doesn't kill you only makes you stronger, after all.

I'm facing my fears.

And while it hurts, it helps.

My chest still aches.

My heart still hurts with every single throb.

And thinking seems impossible.

But I'm facing my fears and moving on with life.

I'm far from my definition of perfect, but as long as I'm 'recovering', I could hardly care less.

And to the people that called me this week(end), the ones that texted me endlessly, that kept me in a conversation for longer than a couple sentences, for the people that forced hugs upon me, the people that dragged me into a swaying line for the free concerts, the people that stood by and watched the drunks act like morons, the ones that stood with me in front of the speakers that blasted the music straight into our very souls....thank you. You know who you are.

Thank you.

Words won't even manage to express my gratitude.

Fishy, Kim, Peter, Patrick, Peri, Connie, Lauren, Shelby, John, Lyndie, Jessica, Sarah, Alex and TJ (and your painted fingernails!), Andrew, Jessi, Devyn, Persephone, Rachel.

You guys stood by my side, knowingly and unknowingly, and you gave me strength to move on.

Ich liebe dich.


Te amo.
Wo ai ni.


I love you.

Thank you.

Tomorrow, when I see the man who made my life miserable, I will smile at him and his new wife, and I will wish them a happy life together. And it will be painful, to smile and mask my pain while they smile in happiness and joy, but I will do it. Because it must be done if I ever want to let his memory die so that I may move on with my life.


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