Jun 20, 2012 16:38
Infinite. <3
It's... It's been a while, hasn't it?
Well, I'm just here to say that I'm back now that college is over for the summer, and you'll be seeing a lot more of me here within the coming week or so. ^^ I have a lot of stories I've started, a master list to post, and a couple RPs that I've been doing that you all might enjoy.
So look forward to that.
Also! Kayla (helloimej) and I are thinking of starting a community for our fics and whatnot. Maybe with the occasional post from one of our 'kidlings'.
But yeah. :3 I'll keep you posted.
As for me, I've got three bios to work on, a chapter for Art of War, a reply to Kayla's and my RP, and the first chapter/drabble for a crack-y collection of Exo drabbles themed around the behind-the-scenes of the Exo teasers. *grins*
Yeah, if you have't noticed, I'm super into Exo (and B.A.P, and NU'EST, and...a lot. ....yeah, a lot). Chanyeollie's my all time bias. <3
I'll be back later.