"dont be so black and white steve"
"right so i should be a socialist scumbag"
boy ill tell ya. i feel like a man reborn, i do i swear
coming off of medication is the best feeling in the world
now i dont go around cracking skulls or telling people to fuck off
but i have the freedom to
and thats what counts
so the jews are runing the world
isreal was the worst idea ever
hands down
now history will prove that these people will fuck thing up for the rest of us
because we will have to come through and level them all
and now that my military rejection is up, ill be there guns blazing
i wish these things didnt happen until i was out of college but oh well
who can you blame
the jews
thats who
not to say the arabs dont have it coming
but we already had plans for them
big plans in metal cases loaded with uranium
MAN i have never felt more alive, at a time when the world is going to shit
but ive come to realize something very important
i dont belong here
and so i have made plans to save money for a few years and leave the country for good
not that i dont love america, i just dont like the idea of being a minority next to the undeserving hordes of mexico
in 5 years i will be living out my days in the hills of scotland far from the troubles of urban society
it sucks because im such a new york fanboy, id hate to leave my beloved city behind, but its all falling apart
so raise a glass! to my rebirth
my reintroduction to the world
my best foot foward
my home coming
my vindication
my victory
my glory
my time
my life
so heres to me, for being me
no one does it better