Chardy like it's 1999.

Oct 14, 2009 07:56

Roast remaining beets and carrots from garden in olive oil and salt (450 degrees, over an hour, peeled and cut small).

Frizz (a lot of choppd) garlic in olive oil, add (6 or 7 frozen) basil (lumps) and one can of drained chickpeas.

Add roasted vegetables to chickpea pan.

Cut in thin ribbons of chard (central stem cut out of each leaf).

Throw in some chicken broth and cover to cook chard. Stir around.

Add one box of cooked (al dente) angel hair pasta.

Add leftover spinach and artichokes from Bertucci's dinner the night before.

Stir around until all hot, add more broth as it gets absorbed. Add some parmesan cheese for laughs.

It was so, so good!
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