Eating down the freezer

Sep 30, 2009 19:11

Okay, I need to grocery shop, and I'm the anxious sort who buys doubles when staples are on sale (and when I say staples, I'm including Fluff, frozen basil lumps and baker's chocolate). Because of my false-memories-of-a-Depression-childhood-lifestyle, sometimes I squirrel away things to the point that I can't remember when I bought something, and I'm not sure (when or if) it will be consumed. Therefore, before I buy more food, we're eating down the freezer and fridge. It'll just be a few days, but dinner tonight was:

4 crab cakes,
a bag of frozen onion rings (cooked, okay?),
half a can of baked beans,
the contents of a mysterious ziplock bag,
and the last carrots and beets from the garden, pureed with honey and dill (dillicious!)

My sister called me when I was setting the table, at which point I confessed to her that not only did I not know what was in the ziplock bag when I took it out of the freezer last night (lasagna? spaghetti sauce?), but even when it was thawed in the bag, I couldn't tell. I'd already covered the vegetable (not green, but beta caroteney at least), protein (beans and crab cakes), and crap (onion rings) categories, so I figured whatever was in the bag was just gravy. Of course, it might literally be gravy. Except it was red. Tomato-based soup? I finally just dumped it in a bowl and sent it for the nuclear spin, and it turned out to be... leftover lentils and potatoes in a nice tomato sauce. Awesome -- protein and lycopene!

And the best part was that the kids and everyone else horked down the whole damn thing, happily, and it was just the right amount. Abundance may not always look like an Olive Garden commercial around here, but even without the endless breadsticks, dinner's pretty tasty.

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