Another drive by post - 200 down

Jul 07, 2009 08:55

(Cross-posted from wls)

I briefly Facebooked this yesterday, but yesterday (after standing in line in a government building, with four children, for three hours*,**), I stopped at Mercy on the way home and ran in to weigh in, since my attempt of Friday had been foiled by the government holiday. I hadn't been in in about two months (well, I'd been in once, but my weigh was a few pounds up so I pretended it had never happened), and my loss has been slow lately (about 60 pounds this past 12 months), and I wasn't expecting much because my pants have felt the same since Christmas. I mean, I could have gained. But when I hopped on, the number was... 216.6. I don't process numbers well or quickly, so I just saw the "6" and thought, "I still need four more pounds to have lost 200 pounds." Then I thought, "Wait... is that a number in the teens?" I got on and off four times, and it stayed the same. Go figure.

So I'm officially 200 pounds down. 205 (.4) to be precise. Thanks, DS! It's slow, but I'll freaking take it.

I wonder how much weight I'll have to lose until I'm not a fat girl anymore? Who knows. Anyway. The next number I'll point my nose at is getting below 200 pounds. The last time I weighed 202 was in 1990, when I still lived in DC. Huh... that'll be like I lost the whole outside layer that experienced grad school. I wonder if pain and anxiety are fat soluble? Have they been dumping back into my system as I lose the weight?

I thought I should celebrate, so after walking into TJMaxx and spending 3 minutes picking the pair of sandals closest to the ones that had just broken on my feet that morning (and wearing them up to the register, removing them only to pay and have the big white clip removed), The Beetle and I went to see the new Ice Age movie. So painfully boring, and one of the sweetest things ever, sitting with my laughing child in a movie seat I could fit into. With her on my lap.

*People were totally glancing at me and I know they were thinking, "At least she'll be going through menopause soon."
** And they were good as gold, I tell you no lies.

DS in two stages, November 2007 + April 2008
Dr. Alfons Pomp, New York Presbyterian Hospital
Highest Weight/First Surgery Weight/Second Surgery Weight/Current Weight/Goal Weight
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