Pack of Monsters by Evil-Irish-Wolf

Mar 20, 2010 15:07

Author: Evil-Irish-Wolf
Title: Pack of Monsters
WIP or Completed? Complete
Ships: none
Genres: drama, character study
Rating: K+
Summary: The monsters come on cloudless nights, I don’t know why the monsters won’t leave us alone. A Death Eater's child's POV of the Aurors. No particular character.

Why Pack of Monsters
I love it when authors explore the humanity of Death Eaters, the how and why of it all, and this story does just that.  It's short and moving and well worth a read.

My Rating: 10/10

author: evil_irish_wolf, fic progress: one-shot, genre: snapshot, character: mystery character, archive:, ship: gen (no ship), reccer: paya27/slasher454, fic progress: complete, rating: pg, genre: drama

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