Foolish Heart by remuslives23

Mar 04, 2010 12:21

Author: remuslives23
Title: Foolish Heart
WIP or Completed? Completed
Length: ~700
Ships: Lily/Severus, Lily/James (implied)
Genres: ust, angst
Rating: pg13
Summary: 'Love isn't a decision. It's a feeling. If we could decide who we loved, it would be much simpler, but much less magical.' - Trey Parker and Matt Stone

Why Foolish Heart
In just over 700 words, remuslives23 brings Lily Evans and her dilemma to life. Two boys, one girl, adolescent hormones and one foolish heart. It amazed me that Julie managed to show the "truth" behind that old chestnut, "Lily hated James," so vividly and yet so simply.

My Rating: 10/10

ship: snape/lily, author: remuslives23, ship: james/lily, fic progress: one-shot, character: lily, archive: lj, character: snape, reccer: werewolfsfan, genre: angst, character: james potter, ship: canon, ship: het, fic progress: complete, genre: ust, rating: pg-13

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