lulabelle72Title: Winds of Change
WIP or Completed? Completed
Ships: ss/hg
Genres: au, romance
Rating: Lascivious
Summary: From Author: Now that the world has infinite possibilities, Severus looks for hope and a future, and finds Hermione Granger.
Link: Why Winds of Change
I'm not usually a softy but this story is quite lovely. It's a tale of hope, love, redemption, new beginnings and well, smut!
The lovely lulabelle wrote this as a birthday fic for Lady Rhian who offered this simple prompt: "Severus and Hermione and espresso."
It's very lovely what Lula did with it. Severus is still Severus but he's reflecting on what his life is now and what he deserves. A beautiful little tale that says so much in such a short time. It's exquisitely written and the characters are lovely. Plus I'm a sucker for EWE fics that show that Severus did indeed survive to live another day after that nasty incident with the snake.
*le sigh*
My Rating: 10/10