Come on over here. You know you want to ...

Jan 06, 2009 17:03

Author: featherxquill
Title: Said the Spider to the Fly
WIP or Completed? complete
Ships: Sirius Black / Rita Skeeter
Genres: drama, smut
Rating: nc-17
Summary: Kicked out of the house by a best mate who's about to propose, Sirius heads to the Leaky fully intending to drown his frustration in a of pint of beer, but the blonde woman across the bar seems like a much better outlet for it.

Why Said the Spider to the Fly
The characterizations are so perfect that I was shocked at how few words achieved them. It is a very short fic, thank god, because if it was any longer, I would have spontaneously combusted! All that and the ending packs a punch!

My Rating: 10/10

author: featherxquill, ship: rare pair, fic progress: one-shot, archive: lj, reccer: werewolfsfan, genre: smut, ship: sirius/rita, ship: het, fic progress: complete, rating: nc-17, character: rita skeeter, genre: drama, character: sirius

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