And tonight...we dance...

May 14, 2009 16:05

Shadowing a Luscious Maven burlesque class @ the yoga studio tonight. As it turns out...I'm in the running to become a pole instructor soon for the beginner levels. It's a month's worth of an intensive teacher training session with Heather. The application questionnaire was inspiring yet grueling to complete at 1am! Since you know...sleep can wait & all. I'll have to shadow and help teach a few of the courses as experiential learning aside from the actual hands-on pole training (which includes essay-writing, music compiling, and things of this nature, as well!)., I'll get to use the prop of the century tonight: a chair. Love how the back's arch and the tail bone connect to drive into a seat to balance and twist and pose. Good stuff...

And...I was reading some of my old posts and realized that this post from almost a year & a half ago has me dreaming about flipping and spinning on the pole. And here I am now, on my quest to teach it.

*soft smile*
I like it when things come full circle... and
*raises a glass of champagne*
cheers to breaking from the circle and forming new paths that'll come around full circle in a varied path... I'm looking forward to it.

*winks and struts off in secretary heels*
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