Title: He is a Person
Pairing: Annie/Sam
Characters: Annie, Sam, Josh, and OMC!Baby
Rating: R.
Spoilers: None
Word Count: 451
A/N: Post-Admin. Sam is President. Sequel to... The other ones.
His tongue traces around the areola of her breast as she arches to him, She moans loudly. His lips kissing down her body.
"God, Sammie…" Annie whispers out, he feels so good to her, she hasn’t felt like that in a while.
His tongue vibrates against her clitoris, sucking every so often. She pulls him up after more moaning, "I need you." She kisses him deeply, feeling him insert himself inside her.
"I’ve missed you." Sam whispers, kissing her again as he pumps.
The room drips with their sex as they hear a loud bang at the door, then the baby starts to cry.
Sam pulls out of her and is quick to get up, wrapping a robe around himself, tossing Annie his t-shirt, which is oversized on her. She walks into the other room to comfort their son as Sam answers the door.
Josh storms inside, his lips perched, his arms folded. Bad karma surrounds him.
"What the hell… It’s three in the morning. You woke my son up." Sam shakes his head, glaring at him.
"Brock has it." He yells, "Wants to know if we want to comment on it-"
"On what?"
"Her and… and that thing." Josh motions to Annie and the baby who happen to appear in the doorway from the other room.
Annie swallows, the baby still cries, "He has a name. He is a person." She says softly, sitting on the bed, bouncing the babe on her knee.
"Not just any person, he’s my son." Sam glares still.
Josh looks angrily back at him, "Have you been going around here saying that?"
"Damn right." He gets up in his face.
Annie gets in the middle of them, holding them apart with her body and hand, "Calm yourselves, boys-"
"Well no fucking wonder-" Josh laughs bitterly.
"Not in front of the baby, please." Annie says softly, swallowing. She doesn’t notice the tear trickling down her face until her son wipes it away with his tiny fist.
"You make Mommy cay… Mommy cayin‘." Joshua says softly, putting his face next to his mother’s to show his affection in an attempt to make her stop crying.
Josh watches the two. He knows the chance at reelection is probably shot, he sighs. All of his hard work, everything he gave up, gone. "I’ll see what I can do." He’s quiet, the room silent.
"Seriously?" Sam is surprised at his friend’s sudden change of heart.
"You should probably marry her." Josh nods a little, looking at the pair, walking toward the family, "I’ve got to get to work." He sighs, jogging to his office.
Annie and Sam look at each other in complete and utter shock of what just happened.