Meme time!

Apr 08, 2009 15:35

I think I've done this one before, but I can't resist icon squee.

1. Reply to this post, and I will pick six of your icons.
2. Make a post (including the meme info) and talk about the icons I chose.
3. Other people can then comment to you and make their own posts.
4. This will create a never-ending cycle of icon glee.

Stolen from rchelsea2005 who chose:


1. It's just bloody jam!- This one features a quote taken from the awesome PBS miniseries version of Galsworthy's The Forsyte Saga. Pretty much, two people are trying to make someone feel as unwelcome as possible during a tea party and rather icly point out that the "gooseberry" jam she praised was, in fact, greengage. After the guest leaves, their son, mortified, blows up at them in a fit of Victorian teen angst: "It's just bloody jam!" I've been enamored with the phrase ever since. I usually use this icon when something's going wrong, as a sort of sarcastic jab: "Oh it's all just bloody jam!"

2. Jouissance!- This is one of my (former) English major geek icons. Technically, "jouissance" is French for "pleasure" (particularly during oral sex), but the philosopher and theorist Derrida (among others) borrowed it to refer to pleasure gained from wordplay or "intense reading pleasure." The icon is full of quotes from some of my favorite works of (mostly English) literature including Paradise Lost, two poems by Gerard Manley Hopkins, Cien Años de Soledad by Gabriel Garcia Marquez, and others which either got cut off, or I can't remember at the moment. I tend to use it for book-squee posts, but I'll use it other times too if something really exciting happened.

3. Ginny- I originally made this to use while I worked on my senior thesis (comps) on Virginia Woolf, but now I can't bring myself to get rid of it. I love Virginia Woolf for her subversiveness, her brilliant writing, and her sense of humor (that most people seem to forget about). I find the text hilarious because, on the one hand, it reminds me of Ginny so much (To me, she sorta has this "I'm just going to do what I want with your established Canon and rules of writing." attitude) and also because it just so self-consciously mimics the jargon feminist literary critics use. I love feminism but hate jargon. I also hate the word "patriarchy" mainly because people tend to use it to make fun of feminism.

4. Symbolic Typewriter- By all rights, I should get rid of this icon. It's purely an inside joke that I have with... myself (and a few friends who know the story). Essentially. But I can't because I love having a typewriter icon, and I love the story that goes along with it. I saw a production of the opera of Macbeth, which had the most bizarre staging imaginable. In addition to a strange mirrored chamber that got stabbed in lieu of Macbeth and strange slime that sprayed all over the stage instead of blood, in the middle of the first act, Banquo's son placed an apple green typewriter on a pedestal in the center of downstage. It vanished during the intermission only to reappear again as Banquo's son repeated the act, with an air of great solemnity during the finale. I thought it was hilarious. I told the story to my friends. They thought it was hilarious. I wrote a song about it, and someone thought it deserved an lj icon even though no one else would understand it. And, as I said before, I just don't have the heart to remove it. So the "symbolic typewriter" has become the representation of all that doesn't seem to mean quite what it's trying to mean, whether it's a failed metaphor or an out of character fanfic. I also use it when I'm feeling frustrated with writing or come down with a bad case of writer's block.

5. Tales from Outer Suburbia- An illustration from the awesome collection of illustrated short stories by Shaun Tan. This one is from "Eric," featuring Eric, the mysterious (alien?) foreign exchange student asking one of his many odd questions about our world. I love the book (it's super short and looks like it's for children, but I would not put an age limit on it) and the artwork that goes along with it, but I particularly love this illustration. It's adorable, so full of curiosity, and you have to look twice before you realize that the shape of the drain stopper is curiously similar to that of a flower.

6. Far and Away- I volunteered on organic farms in the British Isles a few years ago, and this is one of my favorite pictures that my friend Tom took. It's from a far in Snowdonia, Wales, that had fields designated SSSI (Site of Special Scientific Interest) for its rare wildflowers and grasses. One of our primary tasks on the farm was to save these beautiful fields from the encroaching bracken. I love how you can see the subtle red and gold variation in the grasses! Also, that's me in the desaturated bit, hard at work, and far and away in a beautiful place that feels so far removed from my current daily reality.

Doing these things always makes me want to make more icons. I keep kind of wanting to replace my XF one and then changing my mind at the last minute. *le sigh*

procrastinate!, memes

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