Alaska. Is this state quarter out yet?
Bicycling 100 miles? You go,
heidimo !
California bound in mid September for a wedding.
Dialing my old phone number (from 3+ years ago) when I call home lately.
Email is starting to feel old fashioned with all this other kind of blogging and networking stuff.
Fifth grade teacher died. She was really cool. She taught us a lot about Japanese culture. I can count to ten in Japanese because of her.
Going to the "company" picnic at the southern end of Hood Canal. I'm bringing a side dish because of my last name.
Hawaii. Is this state quarter out yet?
JUMP is the name of the exercise program I am in.
Kayla is moving in with shriebird and family. Wow. They are adding a teenage girl to their household.
Looking forward to getting our big bin delivered for single stream recycling.
Meg and her adopted Marta and Melkum. I want to send them M&M&M's.
Non-finicky cats are cool.
Oklahoma. I need this quarter.
Pesto is herbal frosting and I am beyond fond of it.
Quinoa is a complete protein and it is delicious.
Ripe or rotten? Heated refrigerator discussions.
Sweetie report: He sings while he works.
Trainer, personal. I met with my JUMP teacher and she did a personal training with me.
Utah. I need this quarter too.
Voting. My Washington state primay ballot came in the mail today.
WALE conference. I get to go to a conference for library workers in October!
Xtra hour$ at work thi$ month -- ye$!
You should try this alphabet thing once. It's fun.
Zing! Had a Sanpellegrino Limonata today. Wow.