Bad day. Started out bad, stayed that way.

May 19, 2009 02:44

So, when I went back for some more sleep after my very long day Friday-through-Saturday, I only wound up getting a couple more hours before waking up unexpectedly. I think it might have been because of hunger. It's early Sunday morning, and I have a few things I wanted to do before my friends show up for gaming anyway, like my laundry, so I decide to roll with it. I'm way short on sleep, but I'm not really feeling it.

So, after a shower, a breakfast burrito from Memo's and a lot of time-wasting on TV Tropes (damn that wiki and its addictiveness!) and absolutely no washing of laundry, my friends start to arrive for gaming. One of them is supposed to be bringing back the Noir DVDs I loaned him quite a while ago, which is nice because I have a hankering to watch them. And when he arrives he returns to me four of the discs I'd loaned him... out of seven. The other three? Apparently his soon-to-be-evicted deadbeat housemate decided to deliver one last "fuck you" to the house by stealing them and (most likely) pawning them for cigarettes.

Damn it!

My friend insists on paying for a whole replacement boxed set, which is perhaps overkill, and even shoves $60 into my hands on the spot, much to my surprise. (I ordered the new set Monday night, so it should arrive shortly. Went with the older black boxed set instead of the newer white one this time. It just looks cooler. And more fitting: the name of the show is the French word for the color black for a reason.)

What really sucks? He hadn't had a chance to watch the last disc before it was stolen. So he's stuck in the middle of a huge, tense plot arc with no resolution. And I can't talk with him about how awesome the ending is yet. And I really want to talk about how awesome it is. It is very awesome.

Then we gamed. That part of the day was good. We played Shadowrun, which is always fun. One guy couldn't make it, so we had to run his character for him. Unfortunately, he was playing the "face" for the team- the one who does all the talking- so we had to spend quite a bit of time putting words in his mouth. One of the other characters pulled off a particularly neat trick: shooting the gun out of somebody's hand. (Absurd in real life, of course, but only a -4 penalty in the game.) I decided to have my character try it as well, but the dice weren't with me. After two complete misses, my character gave up, took the time to load a rubber bullet and just shot him in the chest instead. :-P

Then it was off to work, which I don't normally have to do on Sunday nights, but I'd swapped shifts so I could go to the union meeting on Saturday. It was really warm in the tower because of all the sun that day, the heat-distibuting shirts I wear under my body armor were all in the wash, and I was soaked in sweat the whole time. Then, in the last hour, everything went crazy. The engineer apparently forgot that a test of the fire alarms had been scheduled, so he hadn't told anyone it was happening and wasn't there to help. I had to run all over dealing with that in addition to handling everything else people needed from me because I was the only one there.

I go home and go to sleep. At this point I've been awake almost 30 hours, and I wasn't well-rested to begin with. Less than eight hours later, I get woken up by a text message from a friend over something really trivial, but I decide to roll with it because I didn't want to sleep too late. I get up and go to check what's happening on the internet.

Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles has been cancelled.


Yeah, it was hardly a surprise. But it's still a shame. It was an intelligent and enjoyable show. I met a decent percentage of the people on my LJ Friends List on the TWOP forums for that show. It shall be missed.

Well, maybe there will be some new, equally cool scifi show in the lead-in spot for Dollhouse next season.... What's that? Sitcoms? Damn.

....and my laundry still isn't washed.

rpgs, noir, tscc, real life

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