The rumors of my disappearance have been mildly exaggerated.

Apr 07, 2009 04:10

So, I've been neglecting this thing for more than half a year now. Sorry to just up and almost entirely drop off the internet like that. (Again.) Had a lot of stuff going on and kept getting busy and distracted and stressed and wound up putting off dealing with this for a lot longer than I'd realized. It's been sort of a strange time for me: working a lot of overtime, getting stuck with a new schedule where I work swing and graveyard shifts, sleep deprivation from working split shifts, watching Noir again for the first time in six years and getting totally hooked on it, watching Noir again with better subtitles, making my friend watch Noir, buying Noir on DVD, working the double shift from hell during a snowstorm, getting a transfer to just graveyard shifts so I have consistency but live a nocturnal life, having my friend crash on my couch for three months until he could find his own place, working the holidays, more overtime, going on only four hour's sleep every Sunday so I can game with my friends before work, watching a whole ton of movies and anime with my friend who was crashing on my couch, forcing more of my friends to watch my Noir DVDs (yeah, I'm a little obsessed), a bunch more stuff going wrong at work, and still more sleep deprivation. (Gah... not much sleep the last few nights days due to scheduling conflicts... really looking forward to catching up on ten or twelve hours of it before work tomorrow.)

Fun times. (Well, the anime and gaming was fun, at least.)

Anyway, I'm going to try and pay more attention to this thing from now on, because I hate ducking out on friends and people I enjoy having discussions with like that. I've been meaning for months now to write down some thoughts on some stuff I've watched or rewatched lately (including Noir, no surprise there).

Managed to finish a short writing project that I'm thinking I might toss up here once its been through some editing (which it's almost certainly going to need, since I wrote it entirely in the slow times during graveyard shifts).

Not much to say on the world of comics, except that it seems that every single book from DC I read has either been cancelled or stopped interesting me to the point that I dropped it, so I guess I'm done with that company after six years of putting up with near-constant irritation with their bad storytelling and misogyny for the sake of their tiny handful of good writers and characters. I've been ignoring all their big crossover events, so I've no idea what nonsense they're up to right now anyway. But on the upside, ignoring the Big Two gave me time to finally read Usagi Yojimbo all the way through, and it's frickin' fantastic.

I doubt I have anything to say on the terrible casting for the Avatar movie that has not already been said.

Anyway, I've been out of the loop for a while... what'd I miss?

noir, comics, anime, writing, real life

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