Yes & No

Sep 12, 2004 14:56

My life is taking drastic turns.

Im finding interest in different things and thinking about either new things or things that i havent thought of for a while. Im starting to take different things seriously and other things as if they were a joke or i dont really care about them that much anymore. Take this online journal for instance. FOr some reason, i dont really care to post in it that much anymore. I dont know why. I used to love to but now its not something of interest for me.

I so dont care about Perfect Attack competition in DDR that im contemplating whether or not this Javits Tournament is even worth the stress to even practice over. The 1000 bucks is enough to make me enter, but my attitude is enough to make me get eliminated in the first round. They screwed up iron man, but ive done my share of bitching / contributing and they wont listen to many people. I guess they felt the need to be "inovative" and made iron man a 20 song oni course. Yes, oni course. I still dont understand the reason that they didnt leave it the way it was. When Don first told me that it went right over my head, because its the total opposite of iron man. I thought he meant a non stop course. That would have been cool, or they could have just left it the way it was. But they are making a 20 song oni course. Oni course whereas if you miss more than 3 arrows on any of the given songs you fail, as in youre going to have to PA it to a certain extent. Ive already told one person about this and they dont want to enter anymore. Its still not an iron man competition. Its a 20 songs oni course without the bars. Theyll be lucky to see 10 people enter that.

Besides that, so much is going on in my mind that PA is viewed so differently by me now. Im not in tournament competition anymore, but i would still try to make my accomplishments keep up with the times so that i would still be considered one of the best. Now i dont care to the point of whatever. There are other things that id like to accomplish in DDR besides what is subconsciously expected of me.

So, aside from thsi update i havent really been posting in this thing much. I woke up at 2:30pm because i went to sleep at 5am. Thats how it usually goes for me because i get home from work on the weekdays at around 12-1 in the morning and i need time to unwind. Im going to work on going to sleep at around 2 though. (To wake up at 9-10 or so.) that would be really nice.

For some reason, all i want to do is read. I want to read alot of sci fi books. I want to finish reading my asimov collection and start reading other sci fi books by the other two that are considered "Grand Masters Of Science Fiction." Arthur C Clarke and Robert A Heinlein. Robert A Heinlein is responsible for the story that inspired the movie starship troopers (which is actually called starship troopers), as well as a number of other popular books. (Stanger in a strange land and the cat who walks through walls just to name a few.) Arthur C Clarke can rival with Asimov as thee master of science fiction in that he is responsible for the popular movie 2001: A Space Oddysey. Ive never seen the movie, but i will. i was going to read the book first, but he has alot of other stories published out so ill just watch the movie and read the other books. As for modern science fiction, im leaning towards Stephen Baxter. He has alot of interesting stories that ive read the prefaces for and they seem catching.

Im just so 'Asimov' that its hard for me to convert to other authors. Im used to his style, etc...but i like sci, i love sci fi, so i feel the urge to read the foundations before i start with the modern stuff. Im pretty confident, though, that no one in this generation will even come close to mimicing, accidental or otherwise,Asimovs genius.

So thats all for now. Could be my last entry in a while, or forever. Im dying to write in my real journal (my lifes chronicles), but i ran out of pages. That was my 5th volume, so i must go and buy another one ASAP.

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