(no subject)

Feb 21, 2008 23:40

Well well well...I haven't posted in like two months...two months after ranting that people dont update on lj enough. Ironic?...maybe.

SO, today has been a really interesting day. It's "Convergence Week" (more like day) here at UT and the journalism school as been hosting guest speakers and stuff. I went to two events: a discussion session at 1:30 were these four people talked about how to prepare and get a job in online journalism. It sounded pretty cool. I took MAD notes...that felt good to because I was sitting right beside my JEM 275 and JEM 200 teachers. haha-brown nosein' Anyway, then tonight I attended a dinner conference in the University Center ballroom were we ate a catered meal and listed to Bob Benz talk about how he works with online media and how print media is slowing down and online media/news/info is growing like crazy. It made me really excited to know that all my sweet computer skill can be put to use someday! haha. One thing he, and the four panalists from earlier, strongly incouraged was creating a blog for yourself and letting that be your "online resumé" type thing.

SO, in order to do that, I created my new blog site at www.blogger.com. Now dont worry, I'm still going to use lj but mainly for personal blogging. I think I'm going to make my blogger.com site much more professional. (http://markmcnabb.blogspot.com/)

Also, I created an account at www.digg.com. That site allows you to "vote" on blogs/articles that you read and the most voted gets posted to the homepage of digg.com. The neat thing about it is - this is the best place to find new blogs. I've been hearing sooo much about blogs but never knew where to find any that appealed to me. I think I will have fun with this.

Anyway, Just thought I would update alittle. I NEED to update about what I got for Christmas and....wow that was in December...holy crap....I've neglected LJ. haha I think I'll do that at a later time. Right now, I'm going to bed.
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