Feb 26, 2006 00:44
Ok, I was going to try not to post in the_na_sama, I was gonna wait until I got my new one working, but this I ga write down.
So today, me, Ash, Sara, and babeh katie decided to food at Taco Bell, then Sara was like, "If wa ga time, we should go down to that grave." For those of you who don't know, there are these two graves (in depere?) One of them has that free-masonry symbol on it, and the one next to it has a goat head on it. So, we get there, and the path has a bit of snow on it. So we think, whatev, its all good, so we pull in, but we're like "we should see if we're able to get out," so we try...but we CANT. So its lke, hella dark outside, out in the country wit no street lights, creepy old graveyard covered in snow, and we're stuck. So Sara and I get out and start digging out the snow around the tires, and trying to push while Ash puts it in reverse. But nothin woiks, so Katie comes out to help and after about 10 minutes, we finalleh get out.
So then we head into the graveyard. BTW, this was my first time in a graveyard since I was in seventh grade, and also my first time ever in one at night; but I was pumped cause I had been waiting to see these graves. So, the whole graveyard is covered in a foot of snow, and you can't even see the some of the graves, so it was just creepy going through, so we all ran. Okoi, so I had mah camera ready, and I took pictures of Mason Grave first. I took about 6 cause the flash was really bright and it whited out the grave, lol, and my foot was in the picture a couple times. So then I went to Satan Grave. I took one picture from behind the grave, but it didn't turn out, so Sara said I should stand in Ash's spot, so I did. But this is where it gets wierd. When you use the camera to take pictures, you have to go to "menu" and then "still mode," but for some reason, none of the buttons were working, and then the camera would turn off. So I turned it back on....still the same thing. I did this several times; I thought, maybeh mah battery is dead, but I had 3 out of 4 bars on mah screen. SO I looked up and said "Guys...my battery is full, but it keeps turning off." So we're like, "Lets get the FUCK outta hea!" And we ran! Ash was foist, Katie second, me thoid, and Sara right behind me. I lost mah shoe halfway out of the graveyard and had to run back but Sara had gotten it outta the snow fo' me. The snow was so cold, but i just wanted to get outta there so I didn't even put it back on. So I reached the little path where the cars pull in, but I heard Sara say something, I and I toined aorund, and she had fallen into the snow! So I ran back and helped her up and we got into the car and drove outta there like there was no tomorrow.
So we decide to go to Valley View next and loiter. About halfway there, I turned the camera back on, it was perfectly fine. All the buttons woiked, and it took pictures. So someone or something did not want us taking pics of Satan Grave. So then we decided to take some pics of ourselves, as a little memory of our foist little ghost expedition. But the camera was eventually full, so we decided to delete some of the crappy Mason Graves pics, but when we look, every single one is gone. It could be that the ones we took overrided it, which is a reasonable explanation, but I don't think cameras do that usually. So yeah, tonight was definitely a scareh night!