Pimpage..... yeah, Im doing it!

Apr 16, 2007 01:15

Just before I go and start on my report for Marketing (good subject but WHY did I leave it till now??)... just wanted to quickly update...

A few things....

Massive hugs go out to a few of those spesh' peeps in my Flist (well hugs to you all, cos you rock) but a few mentions for right now go to the following:
trust_your_lust   - for suggesting a random song which is my new fav (More than Sorry - Ben Harper), for loving the same cool things as I do ( a great chat ensued ) and for just being so amazingly awesome!

ckll   - for being such a strong person, I really admire that and totally respect her... she is an inspiration... and we should all massively hugs her (stacks on! - thats for all you aussies out there that know what 'stacks on!' means)

cakehole_cat   - for her amazing art ... soooooo hot right now! I mean, damn, this girl is so talented! *pets her muse*

snfan3    - for their new J2 vid..... nuff said.... *worships*

jeyhawk   - beacause...... amazing...... check out 
jeyhawk_fic  becuase seriously, you would be insane not to.... its made of heaven..... yeah you heard me ... its made of heaven

and ok... so I love you all - just thought these guys needed a extra mention just cos.... :D

ENOUGH PROCRASTINATING *yells at self* gotta go do this report!

And I am psyched cos I get to play soccer tomorrow.... yayayayay and "I" get to do all the corners cos apparently I am good at them *crosses fingers* ... so love to you all and good luck to me.

(Im not doing that mood and music thing cos I be bothered....)

...oh and totally check out my new header cos it is cool (self pimpage!)

fics, uni, friends, header, soccer

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