Friday the 13th Again

Feb 13, 2009 11:42

I have no idea what I was pissed off about last time I posted. But today is a sad  Fri. the 13th. I broke up w/ my gf of 3 years a week or so ago. And of course, tomorrow is Valentine's day. =( How sad.

Also, a very close friend of mine, lost one of her Best Friends a few days ago. Not 2 weeks after being diagnosed with leukemia, she was at the doctor for testing, and she had an allergic reaction to the dye and died. She was so brave, she wasn't even worried about Chemo, more so about which major to take, and stress of having to prepare for her life while dealing with such a powerful disadvantage. She is in our hearts and thoughts.

I was also reminded of another terrible incident which for various reasons I will not describe in detail here, in which a 16 yr old girl who happened to actually be a part of my extended family, was taken from us in a horrible way.

This has been a rough few weeks, and I am grateful I was able to notice the signs before things became worse, for as soon as I was informed of the tragedy I mentioned first, it brought up the emotion of the second tragedy, and forced me to confront another close friend, as I feared for the safety of him and another of my kin. I saw the signs coming, and continually reminded them firmly about the risks they were taking and the NEED for it to stop immediately. Had I not been so direct, he may have been paying less attention the other night and I don't know if I could go through that again.

Details have been (unfortunately?) intentionally left out of this post for various reasons. Comments/ emails/ messages will (hopefully) be responded too.

It's been a [few] very rough year(s).

Take solace for the many things we still have. I have been personally affected and influenced (as we all are) by the many things (fortunate and otherwise) that have touched our lives. I hope you all are well.

Be happy today, for tomorrow is never guaranteed.

--Robert (aka Cy )

death, love, wallace, sorrow, life

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