to you AND your nose, early days yet, swelling will take it's own sweet time.
Hee, my land line phone has never had a name, however my mobile has always been "Frodo" - yeah, I know, corny isn't it - "Bearer of the Ring of Power" - *facepalm*
And I second the summer theme for icons with a few added dropped rose petals - I have a thing for scattered petals - don't worry though, it's not catching!
Take care honey, hope you feel better soon and thanks for the update. ♥
to you AND your nose, early days yet, swelling will take it's own sweet time.
Hee, my land line phone has never had a name, however my mobile has always been "Frodo" - yeah, I know, corny isn't it - "Bearer of the Ring of Power" - *facepalm*
And I second the summer theme for icons with a few added dropped rose petals - I have a thing for scattered petals - don't worry though, it's not catching!
Take care honey, hope you feel better soon and thanks for the update. ♥
Frodo is a good name for a mobile and reminds too that I meant to post how excited I am by the new Hobbit movie!
Thanks for the icon tips =)
*hugs muchly*
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