1) camera: I mentioned a couple of weeks ago how I'd managed to find a second-hand version of my old camera on eBay and was excited that I'd managed to win it; it arrived on Saturday and it's rubbish. It's in a much worse condition than described, the lens doesn't work at all, the battery doesn't work at all, it seems to be a slightly different version than my old one and all the settings are in another language so I've no idea what I'm doing. I managed to get it to work once before I gave up in frustration. I've contacted the eBay seller but not heard back yet, and having spent so long looking for that replacement I'm pretty damn gutted.
2) work: Still part-time at work this week and the meeting last week with the management team that I mentioned was truly awful, but I have the support of my GP and my friends so am making the best of it. Should be back there full-time from next week, providing my GP okays it, but in the meantime am distracting myself with
paperlegends stuff and watching re-runs of The West Wing which never fails to make me happy.
3) paper legends: Sign-ups for writers over at
paperlegends closes today so tomorrow I'll be posting the full list of participating writers. Exciting and scary!
4) story: Remember I was asking if anyone could link me to a story I'd seen where Arthur and Merlin had kids at the same school and had noticed each other but each had assumed the other wasn't gay so hadn't made a move yet? I finally found out why I couldn't find it. It's because it hasn't been written yet; it's one of the sign-ups for
paperlegends. At least I know I wasn't going crazy =)
3) h5o recs: I need some good H5O recs, specifically stories of Steve and Danny getting together as opposed to established relationships; can anyone help me out there?
*love and hugs to you all*