I'm incredibly boring right now and lacking in the posting department, so here's just a few things before I go crawl on my couch for the day:
1) paper legends: I've been tentatively working more on next years
paperlegends schedule over the last couple of weeks, which is exciting and terrifying all at the same time. I'll post up the schedule sometime in January but if anyone wants a vague idea of times, sign-ups will open at the beginning of February and all posting will take place during August.
2) thank you: I know this is very belated but I really just wanted to thank whoever anonymously gifted me the purple charity bear - thank you so much =)
3) sick: I'm kind of sick right now. I've been having some problems with my right ear since last week, and have now not been able to hear out of it since Friday. Except for a loud pulsing noise when it's really quiet, like when I'm trying to sleep. I have a doctors appointment on Wednesday for something else, so if I still can't hear by then, I'll talk to my GP about it. And now I've woken up this morning with this throat/cough thing and feel even more pants than I did, so am feeling quite sorry for myself and will be taking to my couch today to read fanfic, rather than sorting out my icon picture folders as I'd planned to do.
4) computer question: Talking of icon folders... when I had Windows XP I could move my icons around in the folder I'd put them in, so I could visualise the order I wanted to post them in before putting them up. Now I have Windows 7, I cannot move them around in the folder; anyone know how to overcome this?
5) lottery: Also, I won the lottery recently. Twice! Sadly it was only £10 each time, in consecutive draws, but it was from the same line of numbers, which I thought was pretty cool =)
Hope you're all okay ♥