Pet Peeves in film & television

Apr 30, 2012 15:23

What are your pet peeves in movies and television?Here are mine ( Read more... )

tv series, films

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Comments 5

oreadno1 April 30 2012, 22:21:20 UTC
With regard to #2, what really drives me nuts is when they take a (non)sip from an obviously empty cup.



scratchingpost1 April 30 2012, 23:53:36 UTC
One other pet peeve that may interest you is about musicals. I hate when it's obvious that the actors/singers are lip syncing. I can tell when the actors were allowed to sing on set and when they were told to lip sync. I guess this is why I've never been fond of music videos.


mythichistorian May 2 2012, 14:10:53 UTC
Computer displays that are so obviously not related to what the characters are supposedly doing. It's getting better now that computers are so much more commonplace than they used to be, but I still spot the occasional wince making fail.

The other one for me is stock footage that just doesn't match - planes that take off with two engines, fly with four and land in yet another configuration again. I could live with that in a Transformer movie, but anywhere else it's lazy continuity - and insulting, as it assumes that viewers are too stupid to spot the differences.


scratchingpost1 May 2 2012, 17:55:31 UTC
Your computer comment made me think of another pet peeve. People that go into a hospital room or doctor's office where there are x-rays plastered all over the walls. Most doctors use computers for x-rays now. Even before x-rays were computerized, they would never just be left around for anyone to see.


scratchingpost1 May 2 2012, 17:56:54 UTC
Also, I think it's funny when they forget about reflective surfaces and we see a camera or a crew person in a reflection.


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