Friends Only!

Jul 14, 2030 20:17

(Banner by mcrnut )

I'm not a meanie (I don't think...) and I'm pretty positive I don't bite.

And, if you're here for fic, it's over at criminalsofwar (from now on) :D

Name: Bailey, Strongly perfer Billa on the webs though.
Age: 17
Location: Northern US
What's in your journal? (ie mainly fannish or RL) um, here, mostly real life stuff, but my writing journal will soon be full of awesome :D

Bandom things!
What do you contribute to fandom? (fic, art, squee, picspams, your neverending devotion, etc. etc.)mostly squee and never ending devotion with the occational fic thrown in, lol.

Bands you fangirl: Hardcore fan girling is designated for MCR, but I do rather enjoy Panic, the Used, Takingn Back Sunday, (newer) NIN, and Innerpartysystem among others.
OTPs:Frank/Gerard, Bob/Brian Frank/Bob, Brendon/Ryan, Holmes/Watson, Dean/Cas
Favorite piece of canon: How it seems like Frank and Gerard truely cannot keep their hands off one another :3
Fandoms Past and Present: I used to be HUGE into AFI, and a bit into Green Day... Now it's Sherlock Holmes, and Supernatural (and of course Bandom!)
Anything else?In general, I'm kind of a acrazy person, who thinks they can draw, and write. \o/

IRL things :D

- I don't really do much other than attepmt to write and other such things.
- I watch movies hard core (Or try to...)
- I don't have a job, but I reeeally need one.
- I went wanting to have a crazy music industry career, to hating record labels, to deciding to being an Art Teacher somewhere (high school or college) instead in a matter of a few weeks, lol.

- I probably play too much Pokemon XD (I know, I'm super cool like that)
- Left 4 Dead is possibly the best game ever! :D
- I love my Friends, I really do. YOU GUYS!! <3
- I'm almost ALWAYS on MSN, so if you wanna talk, ask for it :D
- I'm on the internet waaay to much reading fic (I havn't read an actually book in WAAY to long lol)
- Through out my day there is alot of "OH THESE BOYS" going on, pretty much constantly. Sometimes I can't get over how pretty all of MCR is. :D

So, this is how I roll, and just leave a comment, (they're screened) if you have a comment, and/or want to be friends! :D
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