Oh, how little I've done today. It does good for my soul...

Jun 06, 2005 20:07

Well, I think I will give a recap of today, just because I did hardly anything but still had classes.

German: played kickball (and no, I don't care that we lost), went back to school in Heather's car, stopped at the Leibs' to watch them play video games

Physics: took group photo, listened to the extremely annoying juniors nag Meuwissen for 15 minutes, asking how they can get H's - what losers. halfheartedly did multiple choice practice problems

Lunch: visited chickies, watched Liebers peck penguin-chick and run like crazy, finished gloss

English: signed cards and yearbooks, stood around in the media center

Ceramics: wandered around the entire school looking for people alone, found Jess, wandered around the school again

Then I walked to work with Jess, both of us excited about the hailstorm. I was sad I couldn't help Alice with the supplements, but I had to go. Because of our new library computer system, we can't check in anything, so there is nothing to shelve, so I was cleaning books and shelf-reading when the power went out. I went to go find my favorite book, Flash, Crash, Rumble, and Roll and proceeded to read it to Jess, Liza, and Sayan, who was studying at the library. We all ran through the now-dark library and went scavenging for food in the staff room. Then, being the wonderful person that I am, I found cards, and we proceeded to play rat screw. What fun. Susan made us straighten shelves for a while, but then decided that in darkness, there wasn't much we could do, so she sent us home. Score!

I walked to the HS to help with Warrior, but Alice and Alec were gone to who knows where. So I ate some Chinese and talked with Kathryn and Josh. I won't get into that, though.

So, now, I must do work. So silly...

Viva Deutschland!

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