'I would do anything,' John says, and his voice is a little rough now, his green eyes dark and shining. '*Anything*, Rodney,' and they both know what he means, and that he'd go through worse if he had to. A part of him is comforted -- and gratified and amazed -- that John will always do whatever it is he has to, for Rodney. Another part is damn scared, overwhelmingly so, for so many reasons, but again, he lets that slide away for now.
That's one of the things that makes John so interesting. Behind all the charm and good looks and flirting lies a warrior who *will* do anything it takes to protect what he's claimed as his.
'I would have done the same for you,' Rodney whispers, and this time it isn't the drugs making him hoarse.
And really, that's exactly what Rodney did in Nemesis. He allowed himself to be tortured rather than give up the information that would bring harm to John and the others.
This is freaking awesome. So few stories are willing to deal with that ruthlessness inside of John, and this one captures it perfectly. I love love love it.
Oh yay! What a wonderful epilogue. I love how well you've balanced their characterization--and they each have a certain level of ruthlessness about them that allows them to do their jobs--with the depth of their feelings for each other. Also, it's lovely to see that John was willing to go exactly as far for him as Rodney believed. :)
Well, it's not the 'hot reunion comfort sex' I asked for yesterday, but it's a fitting end to the tale and I love it. They're both as ruthless as each other really, when they have to be, and that just makes them all the more perfect for each other. :D
Ask and ye shall receivethe_moonmothAugust 7 2005, 18:16:22 UTC
Yeah, the sex just wasn't happening. I wanted to write their immediate reactions, and Rodney's injuries kind of precluded the sex. Alas. Still, I'm glad you enjoyed :)
Comments 20
That's one of the things that makes John so interesting. Behind all the charm and good looks and flirting lies a warrior who *will* do anything it takes to protect what he's claimed as his.
'I would have done the same for you,' Rodney whispers, and this time it isn't the drugs making him hoarse.
And really, that's exactly what Rodney did in Nemesis. He allowed himself to be tortured rather than give up the information that would bring harm to John and the others.
Very nicely done all around.
Damn right!
And really, that's exactly what Rodney did in Nemesis.
Yes, I suppose so. I hadn't thought of that, actually. Cool.
I'm glad you enjoyed :)
Okay, I can breathe now. Wasn't too sure if I was going to after reading "Nemesis" the other day.
Yeah, it's a shame. That's one of the things that really makes him interesting to me. I'm glad you enjoyed it so much :)
Yes, and I think it's that trust that makes them so goooood ;)
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