
Jun 02, 2016 19:25

Guys! Guys! The wonderfully talented chasingdemons has made me an absolutely beautiful banner for my fic The Soul Lies Down :D I cannot even with how much I love it.

(click for full size)

Isn't it stunning? I love the Paul Klee-esque palette and the way the outline of the desert dunes goes right through Buffy's heart. I really feel like it captures the mystical atmosphere I was going for in the early chapters. As Dawn says:

There’s magic in deserts. You get it in all the quiet places of the world, where the air has time to settle undisturbed by human passage. My mother knew this, instinctively if not outright, from the ritual she herself had undergone, in a place not so far from here. Mystical gyres collect spirits, currents of power swirling in slow whorls. My conception was not intended, magic gone wrong and unwelcome. Wrong womb, wrong moment, history takes a sharp wrong turn. But she told me, later, how she saw the mountain lion and nodded to it in passing, making her peace.

Here is the post where chasingdemons talks a little about the inspiration behind it. Go leave her some love :)

title: the soul lies down, fandom: btvs

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