
Jun 01, 2016 14:45

Arrrrrgh I cannot believe it's June already! Next month I have to push a baby out of my vagina wtf!!!!

(And sorry everyone for my lack of commenting all round - bit preoccupied, as you can imagine, but I am giving my flist a regular skim read).

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torrilin June 1 2016, 19:27:05 UTC
I am positive you have nice strong and stretchy muscles, you can do it! And yeah, the gestating thing takes a ton of energy. It doesn't make you sick exactly, but the vibe I've had as an outsider is that it is about as intense as recovering from major abdominal surgery or a broken femur or humerus bone.


the_moonmoth June 2 2016, 23:32:32 UTC
I'm sure I CAN do, I'm just not really looking forward to it? Like, yes, I want the actual baby. As for the labour... D:


torrilin June 3 2016, 11:17:17 UTC
Yeah, labor is one of those things that makes me go "hell no" to intelligent design theory.


the_moonmoth June 3 2016, 15:16:36 UTC
Lololol! Ain't that a fact!


torrilin June 3 2016, 16:29:07 UTC
Ayup. It's not the ONLY thing on the list either. Because it's a helluva list. But for obvious reasons given the whole mom and I should both be dead at least three times over thing, it's a pretty prominent entry.


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