Things I am Excited About

Jan 24, 2016 23:19

The hubby and I went to the cinema on friday for date night. We ended up watching The Fifth Wave, the most interesting part of which was seeing the universal truth about characters written specifically to be love interests never being interesting hold true even when it's a dude. I mean, I had read as much, but seeing is believing and all (also, you cannot replace acting ability and/or chemistry with a pretty face, you just cannot). Anyway, as is often the case, the trailers were the best bit of the whole cinema experience, and there are a couple of films coming out soon that have me bouncing with excitement :D

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The first is The Huntsman: Winter's War. In a Very Serious discussion earlier with yavannie82 she described it thus: "So it looks like Emily Blunt is playing Elsa Targaryen, first of her name, and Charlize Theron is top half Cersei, bottom half Ursula. Meanwhile, Chris Hemsworth has been cast as Jon Snow and Jessica Chastain plays Ygritte, and they reenact the infamous cave scene (hopefully Hemsworth's butt will be a prominent feature) and kick some major ass together. I have not seen the first one, but this looks like a song of ice and then some more ice. Lots of kick ass ladies but tbh it looks like a pile of very glossy shite."

I literally don't know what her problem is? Kickass ladies and glossy shite is my jam! ;) Besides, any film that describes one of its three female leads as "The Warrior" is worth my money just on principle tbh.

Okay, I admit, it might very well be total trash -- the first one was pretty but somewhat lacking anything resembling substance. Still. I am happy to be dazzled into a shiny, brainless mush.

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The second is Pride and Prejudice and Zombies, which, holy crap, just watch the trailer! Girls stashing weapons in their frilly underthings is pretty much the definition of Things I Like. I don't even like zombies! But there is sword fighting! In evening gowns! With some romance on the side! And it all takes itself so seriously even thought it is so completely wtf! I just *incoherent flailing*

"My daughters are trained for battle, sir, not the kitchen."

"A woman must have a thorough knowledge of singing, dancing, and the art of war."

:D :D :D

all the awesome ladies, fandom: asoiaf, film, blathering

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