Jun 13, 2015 20:27
Colour me shocked, but the drama from yesterday was resolved fairly easily and in two differnt ways. First of all I had an ultrasound appointment at my clinic at the arsecrack of dawn, and was able to explain to one of the nurses what had happened - she was going to just give me a fresh presciption, but I guess I looked so woeful they ended up giving me enough free samples to see me through until Tuesday, which was the earliest I expected I would be able to get a fresh delivery. THEN the pharmacy called me back, despite advertising that they're only open mon-fri, and after a couple of hours of to-ing and fro-ing with UPS, threw their hands up and just ordered me up a fresh lot of everything, and had it delivered by courier from Maine to get here for this evening, at no extra cost to me hooray! At the very least I was expecting to have to drive up to Maine (a 3+ hour treck) to collect it myself - after a stressed out and extremely short sleep last night, not something I was looking forward to. So I'm calm again, if somewhat tired, and my adventures in being a pincushion have once again resumed.
This time, lucky me, I have morning shots as well as evening shots, which means actually getting up at a civilised hour. I'm sleeping a lot right now, so not really sure what to expect, but I guess this'll help keep me to a better (less vampiric) schedule.
Yesterday, after recieving some quite inspirational reviews, I mapped out the entirety of the next chapter of Soul (I had a couple of scenes written and some notes, but this is much more detailed). Now it's just a case of filling in the blanks, which is always easier than starting with a blank page, so hopeully I can keep at least a little bit of creative momentum going, at least for a little while. Fingers crossed.
wibbling and woe,
reproductive tmi,
fanfiction: update