Summer Online Writing Camp - Pimp Post

Apr 13, 2015 14:08

So a few weeks back maracuyakongeen and I got talking about the possibility of doing a NaNoWriMo-style challenge this year, but in the summer. November, when NaNo runs, just isn't a great time for a lot of people, especially those tied to the academic calendar, and personally I'm somehow more productive in the summer months anyway. So we were thinking about doing ( Read more... )

nanowrimo, writing

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Comments 6

aleciamariana April 13 2015, 18:51:38 UTC
I would love to try this and I think I might be able to put in some time in July. I have to go and start thinking about a plot and outline.

Thanks so much for arranging! ;)


the_moonmoth April 13 2015, 18:54:10 UTC
Woohoo! If you want to talk about potential ideas or ask for plotbunnies, feel free to do so over at the comm :)


roses4tonight April 14 2015, 16:37:08 UTC
Such great idea, Lord knows I could use both the companionship & everything else that the community can bring. I'm off to join.

Just a question Moony, it would have to be one work? Because my brain works in mysterious ways and sometimes I'm better at writing independent stories, that would be ok?


the_moonmoth April 14 2015, 16:48:31 UTC
Of course :) I might end up doing a couple different things too. It's the word target that counts :)


roses4tonight April 14 2015, 16:50:34 UTC
Great, 'cause I just joined :) Looking forward to it!


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