Fannish Year In Review 2013
1. Your main fandom of the year: As last year: A Song of Ice and Fire, or at least the little Sansa/Sandor corner of it.
2. Your favourite film this year: I haven't seen an awful lot of cinema this year, but I enjoyed watching 'What Maisie Knew' on one of many plane trips.
3. Your favorite book this year:
Flight Behaviour, by Barbara Kingsolver.
4. Your favorite album or song this year: Born to Die, Lana Del Rey
5. Your favorite TV show this year: Elementary and Scandal, although I am getting a bit bored of the latter with its constant love triangle and angst.
6. Your favorite LJ community this year:
sansa_sandor of course :)
7. Your best new fandom discovery of the year: I am going to count
yavannie82 in this category ;)
8. Your biggest fandom disappointment of the year: All the wank on Tumblr and the stress it's caused me. Sticking to my resolution to keep away, though.
9. Your TV boyfriend of the year: Scott Foley
IDEK. Didn't even appear on my radar at first, but then... shipping happened.
10. Your TV girlfriend of the year: Lucy Liu. Same as last year!
Bask in her magnificence tbh.
11. Your biggest squee moment of the year: I believe it was Jan 2013 when
ghostrelic made me this:
Still squeeing, even now :)
ETA: and of course how could I forget:
The First Day of Spring by
yavannie82, which was written for one of my prompts and is pretty much my idea of fanfic perfection. Oh and also my
birthday present :))))))))) (this is why we should not rush these memes, children - you forget your faves and that is sad).
12. Your most missed old fandom: This year I have been missing sci fi, but nothing specific.
13. Your fandom you haven't tried yet, but want to? Nope. I briefly dipped my toe into the Olivia/Jake Scandal fandom and it was a terrifying place.
14. Your biggest anticipation of the New Year: Finishing the novel I started for NaNoWriMo (and starting the new idea I just had this morning)
The Writing
Not as productive as last year, partly down to doing more original stuff, partly down to moving house (still in the process of, ugh). Everything below can be found on my AO3 page
Feb - Fylleangst
Apr - Seven Faces (WIP)
Jun - Window In Your Heart (WIP
Sep - Awakening
Oct - The Mother's Gift (WIP)
Dec - Eyes Open
Total words: about 38,000 (not exact as I haven't looked at the individual chapters of my WIPs, and to my shame, some were started last year...)
I can add to that about 58k of original writing, so my total is somewhere just under 100k. More than I thought! But nowhere near last year's total. Need to get back on it in the new year.
My best story(ies) of this year: I actually really liked Awakening. As a work of pure erotica, I thought it worked really well.
My favourite story of this year: The Mother's Gift. I've never laughed so hard while writing.
Most fun story to write: The Mother's Gift.
Sexiest story: Awakening.
Story with the single sexiest moment: Awakening (when delirious!Sansa is begging for it and Sandor tried to manfully resist).
Story that shifted my own perceptions of the characters: Don't have one of my own this year ETA: but I think Yav's The First Day of Spring shifted a lot of my perceptions, not just to do with characterisation.
Hardest story to write: Ugh, Window in Your Heart or Seven Faces. I'm thinking about just taking the latter down tbh.
Biggest Disappointment: That I didn't finish Window.
Biggest Surprise: Eyes Open. Wasn't looking for a new ship, didn't want one, probably won't write for them again!
Do you have any fanfic or profic goals for the New Year? I think my first attempt at the novel is pretty much abandoned for now, but I started a second for NaNo which is much more promising and I plan to finish it in January. Then I want to start my third, which is a sci-fi romance that may contain actual plot, we'll see. As for fanfic, I just want to finish Window and Mother's Gift. Seven Faces would be a bonus, but as I said above, I might just end up taking it down.
I'd like to thank the academy...(Thanks to your betas, frequent commenters/supporters, the people who stayed up with you late on IM...)
This year I think I have to thank
yavannie82 the most. She really held my hand right the way through November and NaNo, despite moving house herself, and it was very much appreciated. Just generally she has always championed my original writing as well as being an incredibly talented writer herself, and Yav, I totes love you for it ♥_♥
Happy 2014 to you all ♥