10 Things Challenge

Dec 02, 2013 19:02

maroucya has thrown down her leather glove in challenge, and what can I do but accept? FOR HONOUR. (I also just did one of these on Tumblr, for the nosy among you ;)
  1. After Eights are perhaps my all time favourite chocolate UNF.
  2. I once ran a marathon, many moons ago.
  4. The hubs and I are both doing the 5:2 diet rn.
  5. I am a classically ( Read more... )

nano 2013, meme, nanowrimo, navel-gazing, blathering, marathon

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Comments 11

yavannie82 December 2 2013, 21:04:53 UTC
Fucking HIGH FIVE for After Eights! I try not to eat Nestlé, but they are just tooooo lush!

Best thing ever is an After Eight milkshake. Ommmmmgggg.


the_moonmoth December 2 2013, 21:13:49 UTC
Have you ever tried an after eight crepe? Nectar of the gods, I tell you.


maroucya December 2 2013, 21:49:37 UTC
Don't worry, there are after eight in North America; you should be ok. And I'm sure you'll find the most enormous and cheesy dressing gown ever in the US (at least that’s the conclusion I’ve drawn after having watched all those pageant reality shows).


the_moonmoth December 3 2013, 00:31:08 UTC
There are? YES! I don't even care if it's not in the US, I will drive across the border for those beautiful little squares of dark squishy goodness *drooling*


maroucya December 3 2013, 02:14:29 UTC
Wow, I just had a flash and realised how much I had misunderstood your comment about dressing gowns. My comment must have seemed very queer to you. I won't try to explain anything though and leave it as it is but know that I'm not as mad as I seem. :P


the_moonmoth December 3 2013, 02:19:24 UTC
Wait, what? Lol, I didn't even notice! God I hope this isn't a sign of misunderstandings to come!!!

This is the kind of thing I meant:

... )


westeroswolf December 2 2013, 23:24:07 UTC
I can send chocolate and post pictures of the countryside : )


the_moonmoth December 3 2013, 00:30:13 UTC
I am pretty much crying in gratitude over here :)


ladytp December 3 2013, 10:42:50 UTC
Hmmm....marathon or NaNoWriMo - which one was harder?!


the_moonmoth December 6 2013, 18:04:52 UTC
Oh no doubt about it, the marathon was harder. I trained for 8 months straight, right through the winter and the busiest period of my work timetable, running 4 - 5 times a week, often for a couple of hours at a time or longer. I was sore, I was tired, my mother was going through chemo... it was really hard work, and in retrospect I don't know how I did it! Compared to that, NaNo was a breeze :)


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