I should probably mention that I'm back, yeah?

Oct 16, 2013 00:59

We landed on Saturday and I've been kind of busy since then. Firstly I left my laptop in the airport lounge (the hubs had been carrying it for me) and didn't realise until we'd gone through the gate. They wouldn't let me go back for it, and by the time we landed at the other end, it had disappeared. Sometimes you just have to hate people. Also we need a police report to claim for it on insurance, but since we can't physically go and stand in the police station in New York, they don't seem all that interested in writing us one. ARGH.

On the plus side, it was a new laptop and so I still have my old one, and it is still relatively useable. On the negative side, it was a new laptop and at best I'll only be able to get half its worth back on insurance. And I hadn't set up the auto-backup thingy so any writing I hadn't emailed to someone has been lost (which is basically all of my prep work for NaNoWriMo). DOUBLE ARGH.

Also while I was away, my mother went into hospital. It was scheduled, and she is recovering well, but I'm spending this week at my parents' to help out. Hopefully I will get some writing time tomorrow but it's hard to tell.

I don't know if I'm going to be able to manage NaNo after all this year. I don't know if I have time to recreate what I lost. Man I am so gutted :(

rar!, blathering, writing

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