Star Trek: Into Darkness

May 20, 2013 19:14

I saw this over a week ago, but didn't get around to posting about it.

I actually really enjoyed it! There were several moments that made me squee right there and then in the cinema[Spoiler (click to open)](tribbles!), and I definitely want to see it again. Some of the dialogue just made my fannish little heart glow, and generally speaking I think the relationships between the characters were well done. I love love love Quinto!Spock, and some of the character moments were quite moving to me. Uhura got to wear trousers! Another female character has joined the cast, so the next film might actually pass the Bechdel test! There were actual brown people in the crowd shots! All good stuff. But...

...but. Well. There were a lot of issues. Plot issues, consistency issues, ethical issues, race issues, gender issues. All the issues! Le sigh. I knew there would be, and so I managed to turn that side of my brain off for the duration of the film (as I said to the hubby: what other options are there if you want to go and see shiny, action-packed sci fi at the cinema right now?) but it's important to engage critically with problematic media, so here is an excellent dialogue on the issue that narked me off the most: reaction post by greywash.

TL;DR? In summary, Singh:

Not a Singh:

Got it, Hollywood?

See? S'not so hard.

fandom: star trek reboot, race, meta

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