Books: The Hunger Games

Apr 27, 2012 21:44

Well, having taken 9 or 10 months to crank my way through The Crimson Petal and the White, I managed to finish off The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins in under a fortnight.

The Hunger Games )

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lunar_art April 28 2012, 06:23:13 UTC
I completely agree about her style of writing. It was very fast paced with limited emotional importace.

However I read the book in a day so I could see the movie after having finished the book. (I'm big on read first watch second.) And I cried so much while reading the first two books. The third not so much although it did have its emotional moments.

That might be in part because I am a huge emotional sap. But still, I think as you read the second book you might be surprised at the emotional tug. Her style of writing is set to teenager however as an adult it is still pulls at your heart strings. Especially if you have had experiences where you felt isolated.

As far as people of color, it wasn't really mentioned in the books (I was completely sucked into all three before seeing the first movie) but having seen Rue in the film I was blown away by her brilliance. I find the idea that some people disagree with her casting laughable. She was amazing, end of!

In addition I saw Snow as a bald black man in my head and was disappointed to see Sutherland in the role. Don't get me wrong, he is a brillant actor and has been longer than I've been alive, I just didn't see that character in the same way as the casting department apparently.

It's not an entirely unheard of situation in the sci fi type of fiction but it is one of the best received of the YA versions of this style. Collins won't receive any awards for originality but I think she did a decent job of bringing the story and characters to life and a great job of keeping young readers reading.


the_moonmoth April 28 2012, 18:41:40 UTC
However I read the book in a day so I could see the movie after having finished the book. (I'm big on read first watch second.) And I cried so much while reading the first two books. The third not so much although it did have its emotional moments.

Yeah, I usually read first too, but I thought I would try it the other way around this time to try an avoid the kind of disappointment I've had at times with the GoT adaptation. But then that meant I was spoiled for all the major plot points. So it might have just been that.

As far as people of color, it wasn't really mentioned in the books

No, it was. Rue and Thresh are specifically mentioned several times as having dark brown skin, hair and eyes -- that says "black" to me. (I was looking out for it after the so called controversy over the casting).

Interesting what you say about Snow. I haven't seen enough of him yet to form a mental image, but having seen the film, I think he'll be forever Sutherland. (Funny how that happens more with some characters than others -- Lena Headey will always be my image of Cersei now, but much as I love Sophie Turner -- and I really really love her -- she will never be my mental image of Sansa).


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