Merlin 210

Nov 28, 2009 19:41

I was too angry after last week's ep to comment on it, but this week...

Weehee! Lots to love! Thoughts...

-The Arthur/Gwen was pitch-perfect for once. I loved the shared smile after Vivian was shown to her room, and Gwen shoving Arthur up against the tentpole. Hee!

-Loved that Vivian wasn't interested in Arthur until Trickler put her under the spell. That was against expectations a bit. What I did not like was that Vivian was left as being in love with Arthur at the end, with no hint at it ever wearing off. I mean, if there's no one back home that she was already in love with to break the spell, will she ever be able to get back to normal? I disliked the disregard the show treated her with here.

-No love for the villain being coded as faux-gay again. Boo, show, boo.

-Lots of love for Merlin's reaction shots, though. I thought the cutting from various exasperated/comedy reactions to Merlin's genuine concern was very well done.

-Generally lots of love for the Merlin/Arthur. It's been a bit hit and miss this series, but this was a definite hit. The warmth and affection in their interactions was definitely there.

-And more love for the Merlin/Gwen. I don't ship these two, but again, the affection between them really shone out.

-Morgana's reaction to Arthur being in a fight to the death was a little strange, like she didn't really care. That said, Uther didn't seem overly concerned for Arthur's safety either, more exasperated at his hijinks. Perhaps the overwhelming expectation was that Arthur would win, idk.

-"If you ever speak of this again, I'll kill you." Ha! So many things I've already written into my M/A WIP have appeared in this season, I feel like I need a disclaimer in my author's notes :)

-Bradley James as floppy/boundy/helplessly in love is a lovely, lovely sight *happy sigh* He really is breathtaking when he smiles. Also, Secrets and Magic! EEEEEE!!!!!! LOVE! That last five minutes? That right there is why I read the RPS.

-Next week... Not sure what to make of it. The preview doesn't fill me with glee, but I guess I'll reserve judgement.

ETA: Oooh, I forgot, the scene where Arthur has (very cleverly AHAHAHA) dressed himself, and Merlin still goes and fusses with his collar. So sweet and domestic and comfortable and just <3

episode review, fandom: merlin

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