I'm at home today, at least until 8p.m. I'm going to do some sewing, and studying and check a DVD for stutters. I'm also going to finish some art projects.
I started reading The Glory Hole Murders by Tony Fennelly. As far as I can tell, they're written by a straight chick, but so far it's great, although a little harder than I usually like my murders (I'm a cosy fan).
I had a strange dream.
I dreamed I was going to the sm women's meeting, but it was taking place in a large old school (one I used to work in, actually) which was getting ready for an sm fashion show. There was only one guy in the group (which was strange, since it's all women) and he brought caramel brownies to try to make friends with the women. There was a woman I'd had sex with once there. She was very friendly, but she was concerned that I was handling the punching bags too much because they were for sale and too much wear lowered their value. One was made up to look like a freaky hobby horse. Then a big storm came up outside and we we worried we'd be trapped in the building. I told a story about being trapped in the building once when there was a hurricane (this never actually happened).
I had to go because I was meeting
abigor for our break-up talk. I said so to
BlackOrchid. She said, "That sucks. You broke up with her once before and now you're doing it to her again." We were supposed to meet at some exclusive tea house. I walked into the place and she was in what they called the "red lounge" at the back. It was all red, filled with delicate upholstered setees. She was wearing a black evening gown with a burgundy wrap. I had on some kind of gold lame see-through dress. I looked tacky. She looked great. I told her, "you look nice." She said, "remember when we came here before?" I didn't, but I said, "hmmmm." I sat and we ordered tea and cheesecake. Apparently the cheesecake had been programmed by
rdi, whatever that meant. Somehow in my dream various cakes had to be programmed. I thought it sounded interesting, but he told me I didn't have the systems certification for cheesecakes.
mr_pugh worked selling cheesecake at a down-scale storefront,sort of like a Dairy Queen. I woke up before I got to eat any cheesecake.