Jul 05, 2003 14:49
Yesterday was sort of a recovering day. I went to Kensington Market with Mr. Pugh and he bought a cool fall jacket and I got funky shoes. But by then I was so exhausted and overheated that I just wanted to go home. I showered again and went to work.
Today We're doing laundry. I go through a lot of laundry as part of my quest not to reek. Shower several times. Change sweaty clothes. Repeat.
I live right above the street festival stage at Yonge and Bloor, so this weekend there's a lot of noise down there. I wouldn't mind if they were playing good music. But today it was some woman singing "I'm in love with Jesus Christ." Maybe it's just me, but I think a city-supported street festival ought to be religion-free.
I've paid some bills online, caught up with my LJ friends list, and updated my friends listings. Laundry is in progress.