Self-care fail

Nov 15, 2014 08:53

I've already worked 8.5 hours more this week than I'm supposed to. Despite this, I can't seem to feel like I've done enough.

I was planning to get a bunch of work done on my grant or my papers this weekend. Instead I'm fuzzy-headed, sneezing, congested, and already sleepy. Logic tells me I should rest and get over whatever sickness is brewing in me. But another part of me is always in survival mode and thinks we need to pour our 110% into every waking minute or we are a lazy ass who deserves to fail. Why can't I just take the weekend off and rest happy knowing that I've done my time? Why do I always have to be working on the next step right now? Clearly this is some childhood hangover about not being good enough. The driveto achieve is nice, , and undoubtedly usefulbut I'd like to be able to switch it off when it's time to rest.
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