Mar 15, 2014 06:39
I wasn't sure what I had to talk about to my therapist this week, but once I sat down I just dumped all the heaviest of my family shit on her. I feel better, but I feel bad for her. I hope she has someone with whom to debrief.
At one point she remarked that "it seems like you've done a lot of parenting," in regard to me taking care of my parents and my brother. I mentioned it to John and he laughed, and said, "She's not wrong about that!" It's helping to have an outsider's perspective. The more I talk the more I realize that I've never been "normal." I'm usually in the outlier categories. And that's not as bad a thing as I used to think it was.
Still having trouble answering her "how do you feel about that" questions. Working on identifying and naming my feelings.
mental health,