Feb 12, 2012 07:29
I came close to having another rodent pet, but the poor guy died. Again. We suspect he either ate poison, or had a heart attack, or something. It left me feeling, irrationally, that my love is somehow toxic. How like me to make someone else's death all about me and my issues. I'm starting to think I should just buy a gerbil.
I've bitten the bullet and ordered a new mac desktop. This one will be miles ahead of the one I have now, a 17" imac G4, made between 2003-2005, bought refurbished in 2006. In its place I've bought the which will be a big step up for me. It's a 21.5" desktop, released in 2011, bought refurbished. I also got the 3 year help-me-I'm-useless support program for when I inevitably hit the level of my tech incompetence. The new mac has almost 3x the GHZ, over 5x the SDRAM and the cache is 419430 times larger than the G4. It'll be like living in the future. It's coming by UPS this week. I've moved all my irreplacable programs and files over to my Lacie in case the current desktop dies before I can transfer stuff.
When I was out at the queer valentines event at the GastroPub the other night the woman across from us asked if I was Margaret Robinson, and I said yes. She asked if I had a PhD from St. Mike's and I said yes. She knew I worked for CAMH. Then she said that she had a friend who was a prof at St. Mike's and that I would never know how much had gone on behind the scenes to get me my degree. She implied that people across the country had been involved. She wouldn't say who her friend was, but the whole situation was pretty intriguing. I've mentioned this on Facebook and almost everyone has interpreted it as if she was saying that I didn't deserve my degree, which wasn't the impression I got at all. I took it more in a "we had your back" kind of way. In related news, the LGBTQ group at the AAR is looking to collect stories from LGBTQ scholars. I'm writing something about the graduation incident, but I'm suddenly concerned about libel issues. I've been looking into what the law is here (apparently we have the most plaintiff -friendly defamation laws ever). I may try writing it without identifiers, although I'd prefer not to. I've thought about calling TST to do a follow-up and see if they changed any of their procedures or guidelines as a result, but part of me is hesitant to stir the pot there. Thoughts?