Calling all creative folks

Oct 26, 2006 10:12

Gallery X is looking for artists for something they're calling "Deck The Walls."

Here's the blurb from Xtra:

"It's all about beautiful, accessible, affordable art for gifts and immediate appreciation! All the art will sell for $100 and under, with the show wrapping up on December 22 to facilitate holiday gift giving.

We're looking for artists who would love to get creative, make people happy - and make some cool holiday cash! gallery X takes no cut. You get the space and all the profit.

What are you waiting for? get in touch today!

Drop by our offices to get your festive submission form, or email

The deadline for submissions is November 10, 9am."

Gallery X is at 491 Church St, suite 200. their hours are mon-fri 9am-6pm.

This sounds kind of cool to me, and seems like something I could plausibly achieve. What do you think? Will you try it too?

i emailed them and they sent me a word document submission form.


Thank you for you interest in Gallery X. Please ensure that you have read and understand our submission guidelines. Questions can be directed to
Please fill out this form completely, taking note of the list of attachments provided on the second page. Incomplete or partial submissions will not be accepted.


Date of Submission: _____________________________________________

Artist Name(s): _________________________________________________

Daytime Phone Number: _________________ Alternate: _________________

Email Address: _________________________________________________

Mailing Address: ________________________________________________



Title of Exhibition: _______________________________________________

What medium/media is the exhibition? _________________________________

Preferred month of exhibition (if you have one): ___________________________

Please provide a brief (25 words or less) description of your proposed exhibition:

Have any of the pieces in the exhibition been displayed previously? If so, which pieces and when? Was the gallery within the GTA?

How will your pieces be framed/hung?


Please note: Gallery X can only accept submissions that can hang on a wall. Artists will need to use existing Gallery X hanging systems to display their work.

How did you hear about Gallery X?

On a separate page please include the following:

• an artist bio (about 50 words) OR an artist CV
• an explanation of your exhibit proposal and why you feel your work should be shown at Gallery X (about 1 page)
• a list of the pieces to be included in the exhibition including: title, size, medium, and date of completion
• samples of the work you intend to show (slides, photos, CD’s, or web-links).

If your sample contains work not included in the submission please clearly indicate which pieces you would like to submit for consideration.

Please include a SASE if you would like your materials returned.


Submissions are evaluated by the Gallery X committee.

All applicants will receive a response to their submission. Response times may vary.

Gallery X
491 Church Street, Suite 200
Toronto, ON, M4Y 2C6
(416) 925-6665 Ext. 0


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