Today I am 32.

Aug 23, 2005 11:10

Bad birthday week
This hasn't felt much like birthday week.  It's been cold and windy, and my sinuses haven't been happy - I've had a bad headache for days.  Also, I'm not sleeping well.  I have short night sleeps, ofte with nightmares, and then naps where I can, usually filled with weird nonsensical dreams.  One nightmare was almost film-worthy as a Saw sequel.  Some maniac had captured people and given groups of them horrific inuries (oe group had burns, another had smashed teeth).  They had to work through their pain and learn to cooperate as a group to beat other teams on some task.  The winning team got to live.  It was very disturbing.

Maybe when things feel normal again I can feel happier.  I've just got too much on my mind.  Work has bee weird.  I'm uber-friendly and nice, but a six hour shift just goes on forever.

My In-laws visit
My in-laws are coming to visit next week.  I don't blame them really.  If my baby had a heart attack I'd go visit him, even if he kept saying it wasn't necessary.  It would be necessary for me.  I have great inlaws.  They're normal and nice and they aren't critical or mean to me.  They're really sweet people and I really like how they've got their shit together - financially, relationship-wise, the whole thing.  Plus, they raised great kids.

My emails has been looking weird lately, showing me all the code in an email and sometimes showing me something other than the email I'm trying to look at. It seemed virusy to me, but I did the go-through with Norton and it all seemed fine.  I guess a general clean-up of my computer is way overdue.  Like so much other stuff I need to "get around to."  I've got to make some time to revamp my website images and text so I can cash in my xmas presnt from misslynx.  The site would look so awesome done by her, but I just can't seem to figure out what to write.

On the plus side, my gingerbread cake smells really good.

birthday, work, in-laws

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