I blame John Scalzi, who posted a list of writerly goodies to come today over at the
You know, Monkey King see, Monkey King do, so I just started listing my own projects for the coming year to see what was already done. It's a much bigger list than I thought. Here's my projects for 2007, most already turned over to editors and freelancer wranglers of various stripes:
- Pulp Cthulhu: Summer 2007: Ok, this one I wrote back in 2003 or 2004, but the Chaosium bunch may actually ship it this year. Most recent word from the editor is that the new rules are finally done, and the odds are looking ok.
- China Mieville articles, January 2007: Ok, I've talked this one to death. This will be a love it or hate it issue for some people, as Mr. Mieville's world is much more inventive than the default fantasy of many long-term settings. It's great to see Dragon stretch the genre a little - and frankly, even munchkins will find things to love in this issue. Rivebows, oh yes.
- Dungeoncraft, January to May 2007: I'm definitely continuing with this column until May, which is great because I'm enjoying the work. I'm hoping that the magazine readers dig it as well.
- Castle Shadowcrag, March 2007: The first Open Design was experimental, and largely successful. The second is more focussed, with twists that delight me. Plus, I wrote up a new monster that will appear in my house campaign often. I like it so much I want to write a sequel - and I don't write sequels.
- Clockwork Wonders 8 to 14, January to March 2007: The series is a bit hit-or-miss, but I think the hits are outnumbering misses. I enjoyed writing all of them, but in hindsight some seem like mistakes. OTOH, the universal key, the brass book, and the spider thief all still amuse me no end.
- Enemies of My Enemy, April? June? 2007: Part 11 of the Savage Tide adventure path. I'm having waaaaaaay too much fun with the iconic demons and NPCs and Planescape elements of the Abyss. Still mildly concerned about the sheer flabby weight of the CR 18 and 19 stat blocks, but I think there's lots of meat on this one.
- Expedition to the Demonweb Pits, April 2007: A return to Lolth's web a la "The Harrowing" or Q1, but with a Planescape twist. Also revisits a famous site in the Abyss that I first described in Planes of Chaos. It's grown up quite a bit since then, what with city maps and all. Also curious to see what changes WotC makes during the yearlong incubation period between turnover and publication.
- The Forge of War, June 2007: Eberron finally gets more detailed backstory on the Last War. I'm delighted to have worked with mouseferatu and James Wyatt on this.
- Saga of the Burning Sky: August 2007: A very short, very high-level installment of this "campaign saga" (AKA, adventure path) by EN World Publishing. I'm looking forward to writing this, if only because it is so utterly unlike prior adventure paths. Whether it will find an audience is open to debate, but it does have a bit of "Red Hand" style, so I wouldn't be surprised if it became a big hit.
Add it up and it's about 370,000 words, give or take. If I count on some additional writing during the latter half of 2007 (such my second novel and a third Open Design project) and a goal of 500,000 words published in 2007 seems reachable, if a bit of a stretch.
I am gunning for the caffeine-powered robot award this year, yes indeed.