Inside the studio yet again...

Jun 13, 2004 16:25

The Muddbutts arrive in their Muddbutt Mobile.

The Muddbutts have just one question for you:  "ARE YOU READY TO ROCK?!"

Filthy McNasty shows us a trick he learned in 'Nam.

Brandon Muddbutt wonders why people pick on him at his NAACP meetings.  Luckily a day of rocking will cure his woes.

Jon Pansy realizes that yes, they are recording with the moneyshot.  His suicide note was rather brief, it states:  "What the fuck were we thinking?"

The split is complete.  Wesley Willis senses a great disturbance in the force, he hollers "Suck a cheetah's ass and fire the missiles!  Make sure all is right again!"

George W. Bush get's the message.  He calls it a great victory in the "War on Terror".
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